Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sometimes you feel that life is at it's lowest ebb and that though everything seems to be the same, nothing is. I think at times there can be no mood-killer as bad as boredom or having nothing to do for long periods of time. They were right about idle minds. Not that am necessarily thinking something evil, but then dint God say Rejoice! Rejoice. simply because God is in charge and hence there is nothing to worry about. Rejoice for there is a way out of everything and everything happens for a definite purpose and all things work together for good to them that love God?

I think the key is to remember to be consciously cheerful. Like the one where this guy has to get up in the morning and decide whether he is happy that it's 'nother day or mad at the sun for waking him up. Comes down to the Stephen Covey principle. No, am not bringing management into this.

But living life to the lees is an option to every man.
It's all your choice, really.

Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! - Philippians 4:4

1 comment:

  1. "I think at times there can be no mood-killer as bad as boredom or having nothing to do "

    Hear! Hear!
