Tuesday, February 2, 2010

He's got His eye on a sparrow

I know that I should not let my life pass me by. You cant just sit there and let life happen to you right? When I was a child, I saw everyone around me and you thought my life was going to be different. Not because I did anything to have it that way, but because its 'my' life and it has to be different. There is this fantasy and surety where I have my life all planned out.. Me.. I was just someone different.. sometimes I would want to be a rancher in the Pampas, a wildlife photographer with Natgeo and more recently, a travel host on Travel and Living. I always thought I will be in a hostel in a great college and be a great business woman. I wanted to have my own house and my own car by the time I get married. I wanted to have many friends. I wanted to follow the motto of "Work hard, and Party harder' . I wanted to travel the world even before I got married and many times after. After all, my mom did. There were places I had to see, people I had to meet, rooms to stay, lakes to swim, mountains to climb, food to eat, and a life to LIVE. Life passed you by? No. That would not happen to me. Why? Its me we are talking about.

Has life passed me by? Probably not, you would say. Come on, you are a young woman on the brink of adulthood and you have all your life ahead of you. But you see, this is all I planned for. All the fun I thought I would have was only till here. This is the threshold of all that you can be while you still have a chance before the world heaps a hunk of responsbility on you, you ready or not.

What am I now? Travelled the world...been out of the country yes, to 3 countries so far. Cant really call myself a country hopper. Never been to the Pampas, let alone have a ranch there.
Watch T&L with a passion but thats all there is to it. Studied from home in a college which no one ever heard of doing a course no one ever heard of and as a day-scholar and right now Working in a company no one ever heard of. The only thing common here is that I am a Software Engineer same as thousands and thousands of other people my age. I have joined the herd.Friends? Are there any left? Am not really sure. Life even the fun I did have is changing with friends from college and work leaving one by one. Each one has their own dream. And I stand alone.

So, whats so special about me? What have I become? In this short span of a quarter of my life, a few great things happened to me. God chose me to be His child and join Him in His Kingdom. He chose that I be washed from my sins and shown a way to eternity. He ensured my future and He cleant my past and He holds my present. What does this give me? A dear friend in the Lord Jesus Christ and a close companion and guide in the Holy Spirit. It gives me the assurance that my life is safe and sheltered like a Sparrow in the hands of God. Thats me.

A lot of things dint happen the way I planned. A lot did. My life has not been a one bucket of successes. And neither is it a barrel of failures. Its flavored. And when you look back, you see that you have been getting everything that you wanted and needed and more. And things that you dont plan happen to you, coz its planned by a greater being. And all you need to do is let go and trust in the Lord who made you and knows you inside out, your plans and desires and your ambitions and He will get you there. And the journey is sweet. For He is driving.

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