Sunday, September 27, 2015

A very personal God

5 days of work with not a minute for yourself.
The weekend is so welcome you want to savor every moment- Profile pics, , Flipkart, Eat-outs, Relationships, weekend plans, Laundry, Cleaning.

Where does God come in? Yes, you think of God on Sunday morning at Church. Yes, you read the Bible and pray a bit every day. When will we do more?

These thoughts were running in my head when I stepped into church this Sunday.

And the entire sermon was  about Spiritual growth and how it is imperative that we move in to solid food. Our God is so personal that He hears and understands our thoughts and speaks to our hearts. How much more closer can He get? No one can understand unspoken thoughts like our God.

He loves us and cares for us so deeply. His mercies are renewed every morning. His miracles are not something you hear of happening in a Dhinakaran crusade. They happen in our own life. Time and again.

Yet we praise Him briefly and forget His grace as we move in.

We don't testify about His provision. His grace. His kindness. His presence.

We need to start talking about our God. Who is in us. We really are the temple of the living God.